Nuclear Exit Sign

Nuclear Exit Sign

If you’re looking for an exit sign for your business or other establishment, then we want to encourage you to consider choosing a nuclear exit sign.  There will likely be tons of more traditional battery and electrically powered signs for sale at the different retail locations you visit, and they will likely be extremely affordable, but don’t fall for it! While a nuclear exit sign may be a little more on the expensive side, it is, in the long run, a much better deal and a smarter, more hassle free choice that you will be glad you made.


As you can imagine, battery powered and electrically powered exit signs come with plenty of problems. Also, they are being used less and less by today’s business owners, which is one of the main reasons you can find them so cheap—retailers are trying to unload them, but don’t make yourself an unloading dock! Battery operated signs constantly need their batteries changed, usually at least once a day for even the highest quality signs! Even with rechargeable batteries, this can get expensive and, more than that, it’s just plain annoying, not to mention time consuming! Electrical signs are the same; you will constantly be changing light bulbs. Also, with an electrical sign, you should be ready to watch your power bill soar. Don’t forget, either, than these electricity guzzlers are not good for our fragile environment at all.

Browse Our Nuclear Exit Signs

The Advantages of Nuclear Signs

None of these issues will even cross your mind if you choose to use a nuclear exit sign instead. These signs are powered and get their glow from tritium, a natural chemical that gives off light. Tritium is safe for people and animals to be around, and it does not appear to have a negative effect on the environment. Actually, the very fact that tritium and its effects are so long lasting is a big plus for the environment, since these signs don’t create a lot of new waste!

A nuclear exit sign powered by tritium can work for anywhere from ten to twenty years, depending upon the exact model you buy. Most manufacturers sell signs in both varieties, with the twenty year sign being only slightly more expensive than the ten year sign. No matter which one you end up choosing, you’ll be thrilled to find that you can simply hang up the sign and then forget all about it for a very long time to come!


For a good deal and for the widest selection of signs, we strongly recommend making your purchase online. If you visit a traditional retailer, you’ll be forced to take what they have on stock, even if it’s not what you really want and even if it’s overpriced! With online shopping, you can find the exact style and design you want or even custom make your own. Best of all, you can also get a great deal. In fact, even with shipping included, buyers who shop for their signs online almost always pay less! 

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