Rules of Tritium Exit Signs
The Rules of Tritium Exit Signs
An exit sign seems like a simple idea: create something that can easily show people where the emergency exits are. It was such a great idea that it became popular very quickly and pretty soon it became mandatory for most facilities in the country. Once the presence of exit signs became regulated by the state several rules and regulations were put in place in order to assure that the signs are handled properly and that they are fully capable of serving their purpose.
Tritium Exit Sign Visibility
Most rules pertaining to exit signs have to do with their visibility. If they are not visible during any possible scenario, it kind of defeats the purpose of having exit signs in the first place. As a result, improvised signs which are often just the word EXIT printed on paper are not allowed. Furthermore, all exit signs must have a source of lighting. Usually, the source for lighting comes from inside the sign itself. The problem with a lot of signs is the fact that if the power goes out and there is no backup generator, the signs stop working. This is not the case with tritium exit signs, which are self-luminous, so they will keep glowing regardless of the presence of a power source. In fact, during a blackout the tritium signs would shine brighter than usual.
Considerations for Tritium Exit Signs
Special consideration should be given to the places where the signs are installed. They must not be obstructed by any other installation. This is required for all exit signs, as it does not matter how bright they shine if there is something blocking their view.
View Our Tritium Exit Signs
Tritium Exit Sign Regulations
Tritium exit signs have to deal with a host of unique rules and regulations which other types of signs do not have to contend with because of the fact that they contain tritium, which is a hydrogen radioactive isotope. Although in the quantities found in exit signs the tritium is harmless, it still must be regulated by the state. Any manufacturer that wants to deal with tritium signs does not need special permission from the government or the use of specialized experts, since tritium is a low level isotope and it does not have a high degree of danger. However, the company must make the government aware of their intentions of possessing tritium signs and they are agreeing to properly handle, transport and dispose of these signs. All manufacturers are subjected to inspections and they can be fined if they do not keep their end of the agreement.
The radioactive label must be kept on the exit signs at all times. Furthermore, the manufacturers must account for all signs which have been broken, stolen or lost. Thorough records must be kept of all the transactions made involving tritium exit signs.
Tritium Exit Sign Disposal
The most important aspect of these signs is the disposal. They last for a very long time, but eventually they all need to be disposed of. They cannot be thrown out like regular trash. They have to be taken to a special facility that handles low level radioactive waste. Luckily, most manufacturers offer this service, so they can properly get rid of used tritium exit signs.