Self Illuminating Exit Signs Safety
Safety with Self Illuminating Exit Signs
Self illuminating exit signs re a means of emergency management that can help a public gathering get out of a closed hall in case of accidental fire or other unfortunate emergencies.
Traditional exit signs use electric bulbs while the modern tritium exit signs or photo luminescent exit signs works without consuming electricity. Obviously, tritium exit signs are gaining popularity because of their eco-friendly nature.
Benefits of using self illuminating exit signs:
Self illuminating exit signs are much more eco-friendly than the traditional exit signs that uses electricity. As no electricity is used by tritium exit signs, you won’t be required to worry about electric bills. Furthermore, tritium exit signs do not use common electric bulbs that may get fused. Thus using tritium exit signs is beneficial because changing bulbs every second month won’t be necessary. Maintenance cost of tritium exit signs is almost zero. Yet, you will have to clean the screen of exit signs to keep them more visible. Electric exit signs also require such maintenance but they also require additional maintenance of electric wiring, switches, bulbs and electricity. So, self luminous exit signs are cheaper than electric exit signs.
While tritium exit signs seem to be costly than the electric exit signs, because of low maintenance cost, tritium exit signs prove to be cheaper option in longer run.
It is important to take care of tritium exit sign disposal to avoid any leakage of tritium gas in environment. Tritium gas is toxic radioactive element that may cause lethal hazards if inhaled or ingested. It is not very difficult to dispose of tritium exit signs after their life time. The distributors of tritium exit signs provide the service of safe tritium exit sign disposal free of cost if you are willing to buy a new exit sign as a replacement. Even if you do not want to buy a new self illuminating exit sign, safe tritium disposal is pretty easy and affordable.
Photo luminescent exit signs are also self illuminating exit signs but they are costlier than tritium exit signs. However, photo luminescent exit signs are safer as they do not contain any hazardous element such as tritium. Just like tritium exit signs, photo luminescent exit signs also work without using electricity and you will not be required to change the fused bulbs every now and then.
While installing self luminous exit signs, it is important to mount the exit signs strongly so that they may not fall when the exit door is banged with force. This is important to avoid any leakage of tritium due to the fall of exit sign.
Thus, self illuminating exit signs are beneficial because they not only save your maintenance cost; they also provide an eco-friendly means to offer emergency management. As self luminous exit signs do not use electricity, they help you in reducing your carbon foot prints and that adds your efforts towards a greener world.