Tritium Exit Signs Do Not Need Electricity
As the progress in technology is helping in making newer products that are also environmentally friendly, steps are been taken to make certain that there is no or minimal loss of life during any emergency evacuation of any premises. For this the Government has laid down procedures that state that all the pathways have to be properly discernible with the exit signs to help people precede towards the exit quickly. The exit signs are available in various varieties in electrical as well as non electrical modes. In the non electrical mode, the self-luminous exit signs also known as the tritium exit sign are the most common.
Exit signs
If handled properly, the tritium exit sign is the safest of all the exit signs presently available. It has many plus points over the other exit signs in terms of installation, electricity bills as well as the bulb replacement. As it is self-illuminating, it does not require any wiring and hence can be used anywhere be it in enclosed space or in open air. It can also be installed in those places that are not easily accessible but are important.
It can also installed at a very high or a low level as there is negligible chance of it getting damaged owing to water, dust, vapors or gases or it be the cause of causing any damage to the environment till its glass tubes are safe.
Radioactive exit signs
The tritium exit sign is made from substances like thermoplastic and polycarbonate as they have the capability to endure a wide temperature range from 176⁰ C to -40⁰ C. All the elements of the fixture are encased in the thermoplastic material while the polycarbonate acts as the face plate.
View our most popular Tritium Exit Signs
Tritium is filled in special glass tubes that are then arranged to form the word or signage. It is available in colors green, white, black or red face which one can choose from as per the requirement. In certain premises like the hazardous premises, the Government has also laid down color codes that are obligatory to be used at the locations specified by it.
Damaged tritium signs
Though these fixtures are tough, they are delicate in a way that they may get damaged during installation if proper care is not taken. If the glass tubes are damaged, Tritium may get released into the surrounding environment and prove harmful to the persons in that area. Tritium has the ability to penetrate the skin and can also damage the eyes. If it enters the gastro-intestinal tract it may cause irritation like the nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. If this happens, then the authorities need to be informed immediately and procedures followed.
Risks associated with tritium
Care should be taken that Tritium does not interact with the public water system through the drainage system or through any other water source. If one need to uninstall the fixture then also one can do so without the help of an electrician as there is no wiring. One just has to be careful while doing so. One should never dispose of the tritium exit sign casually, but proper care should be taken. It cannot be dumped into the dumpster, but should be disposed off as per the Government laid regulations.